Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Three Year Old Class is CLOSED!!

Those are the words I heard today has I tried to check G into her SS class, so I could go to Big Church. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?! I had to break my little girl's heart because there was no a SUNDAY SCHOOL class! Let me start from the beginning...

Rick is in Mississippi or actually on his way home this morning, so by myself I got my very choleric (strong-willed) three year old ready for church. We were 15 - 20 minutes late, but should that really matter? We were doing good to even get out of the house!! Or should I say I was doing good to get out with my sanity. Evidently it does matter if you are late at Grace Community Church in Fulton, MD.

G and I tried to check-in at the Tot Zone. The Children's Minister and a lady were behind the counter. I gave G's name, and she began to look through paper. She asked me her age, and I said three. She stopped, looked at me, and said the three year old class is closed. I said okay. She asked the Children's Minister. The Children's Minister said yes. She repeated herself. I said okay. This exchange happened two more times. I HAD NO CLUE WHAT SHE MEANT BY THAT. She continued to stare at me. I asked, "Okay, what does that mean?" I was told you will have to take her to the service. OKAY, has anybody tried to get a three year old to sit in a dark auditorium with very loud music without anything to entertain her?

I started to move G in the direction of big church when she stopped to say, "No mommy, I want to go to my class." I told her, as gently as I could, her class was closed. My sweet little one, who LOVES church, began to cry. She didn't want to go to the service, so I said okay G lets go. I looked back at the ladies at the Tot Zone, and they were just watching me as I WALKED OUT THE DOOR!!! I am this a babysitting service or a ministry? We will not be joining a small group at Grace or returning. My child cried most of the way to the car, and has talked about this all day. NICE impression you have left on my child, Grace!

On my way to First Baptist, where we have also been visiting, I called the Grace office. I left a NICE message on the Pastor's voicemail. I repeated everything above and was sure to tell him his Children's Minister was involved in this incident. Thus, the reason I am calling you. I also added, what if I was someone who did not know Jesus and this was the one day I came to church because I was searching? Then to be told the three year old class is closed and left. ENOUGH SAID!!


  1. My nosey self wants to know if you get a response.

  2. I'll be sure to blog it if he does!!
