Thursday, January 17, 2008

Snow...Snow...Snow...Sleet...More Sleet...YUCK!!!

We had a beautiful snowfall today in the nation's capitol. My government office is located at the George Washington Carver Center in Beltsville, Maryland, which is off the outer loop or 495. There are four buildings to this campus surrounding a park-like area. The untouched snow on the trees, grass, and walking path was gorgeous!! Hmmm, forget the travel for the big boss, he can find his own way to North Carolina or the meeting I was planning for the 2nd big boss, I wanted to go get the G and play, play, play!!

However, all good things must come to an end...the yucky sleet came and covered the beautiful snow. Everything became slick, slushy, and nasty for the ride home. A thirty minute drive became an hour and a half journey. During this drive home in bumper to bumper traffic, the snow on my roof remained in it's rectangular shape and slid down to cover my windshield. GREAT...the wipers can't take care of it, and it becomes a mountain of snow on my hood. I can barely see the road. Ooh, was that a Lexus or a Mercedes I almost bought?! NEVER FEAR...a STARBUCKS was near!! I pulled off, cleared the hood, chocolate milk in a box for G, and a sugar-free latte for me. Yummy!! Got home to have a snowball fight with the G, and then made snow angels. The slushy snow was beautiful again!!


  1. Can you believe we may get FLURRIES tom.? They actually said the word SNOW...and then backtracked and said "well if you are not outside the second it snows then you will miss it!"ha!

  2. Cajun...We have snow in the forecast for three days next week. Let me know what you get. I saw where MS should have several inches.
