Saturday, September 25, 2010


While in Target I noticed their coats in the girls section.  I pulled a few off the rack for G to try on.  When I put a red coat on her, G folded her hands and bowed saying, "Momma....I look like I do karate!"  Of course I said, "Hold that pose while I get my phone!" 

Thursday, September 23, 2010

My View

I forgot to post this from my phone.  This was my view one afternoon on the way home from Summer Camp.  G was wiped out!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Princess Allie...

G decided to dress Allie up as a princess.  Doesn't Allie look thrilled?  I promise we love our animals!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Conversations With The G...

Georgia and I went shopping for blue jeans...ugh!  I have to buy news ones for her every Fall, and she hates having to try them on.  One of the places we stopped was Gap Kids.  As we were looking at the jean wall, G was reading the signs on the shelves.

G:  "Skinny...Straight...Buttcut..."

Me:  "G, what was the last one?"

G:  "Buttcut?!"

Me:  "G, sound that one out and try again."

G:  As G talks to herself she finally says, "OH...BOOT...cut!" as she giggles.

It was nice to have a little laugh during our jean trauma.  After Gap Kids, I drug her into Justice where we thankfully found a pair of jeans to fit.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Day of 1st Grade!

G started 1st Grade today.  She is in her P.E. Uniform instead of her regular attire.  G has been calling the new principal "The Dude" or "The Dude in Charge".  We have reminded her that is not his name.  The new principal is Mr. Hudson and the new teacher is Mrs. Barr.  Godspeed to you both!  :~)