Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas Came Early!!

Christmas came early to the Garner house! The Dell Santa delivered an Inspiron today. Hopefully, the laptop will give me more access to the computer and internet, instead of the Blackberry Storm I am drooling over. I just can't go there yet because I don't want to be that connected.

Why? I watch people go through checkout lines on the phone without a word to the cashier. I see people in the presence of others text and read e-mail instead of enjoying the other person's company. No one smiles, says hello while enjoying a walk or stroll. Everyone always has their eyes and fingers on their phones. Why do we do this?

I have been thinking about what kind of message this sends people or my child? Someone who may have just needed a hello and smile because they were having a bad day. What does my child think when we are in the car just the two of us, and I am texting on the phone instead of enjoying her company? Do I really want her to learn this behavior? We don't even have a DVD player in our car to keep Georgia busy. Am I old-fashion? ABSOLUTELY!!

Anyway, I'll get off the soap box. Hopefully, I didn't offend anyone too much. Just something that has been on my mind. The laptop is my solution to be a little more connected instead of waiting for Rick to get off the computer. I try to only use it when G is not around. Unless it is something she can help me do. Yes, right now she is in bed!

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