Monday, June 9, 2008

Georgia's Surgery

The little G is having her tonsils and adenoids taken out Wednesday, June 11th at 8:30 a.m. We have to be at the Greater Baltimore Medical Center at 7:30 a.m., which means we leave our house at 6:00 a.m. That's what happens when you live between two big cities, go to the best Peds ENT and have to basically drive to the other side of Baltimore. All for the little one!!

Anyway, please pray for us. I am not looking forward to the moment they take her away from me to wheel her into the operating room. Who wants to let go of their precious one to hand her over to a practical stranger to cut on her. Yes, I know all the God and Jesus will be with her and me stuff, but this is my little one! I am willingly handing her over for a procedure that of course will make her better on the other side of this ordeal. I don't like that handing her over part!!! I'll never forget Katrice calling me when they took Samuel away from her for surgery. I could barely understand her. Her emotions in that moment has stuck in my brain FOREVER!!

Okay, I'm sane again...No...I'm not...well...maybe I am. Ugh, give you any idea where my emotions are on this?! I need M&M's, and there happens to be some on my desk. Yeah, it's a cheat day!!

Seriously, please pray for the peace that passes all understanding for Rick and I. Pray the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth over Georgia, the doctors and nurses, and the family waiting through this. I know it's a simple procedure, and I will be okay. I'm not worried about Georgia at all. I'm just not looking forward to that emotion of letting her go to be cut on!

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