Monday, January 25, 2010

G Lost Her First Tooth Today!

G's had a loose tooth for several months, but she wouldn't let us do anything about it. Last night when she was brushing her teeth the loose tooth bleed, but was still hanging on. This morning in the bathroom, G handed her tooth to Rick and said she pushed it out with her tongue. Afterwards G kept telling Rick how "Amazing" losing a tooth is. Such a fun little girl!

G's new smile without the tooth!

G's baby tooth. Sorry if this grosses you out!

G's Tooth Fairy Pillow. :-)


  1. is it so incredibly wrong that i DREAD this day in our house? =(

    g is so darn cute!!!

  2. I did too, but then I just got into it for her and TRY not to think about it. :-/ Our sweet babies are growing up!!
