Sunday, June 14, 2009

G's Spring Performance...

G had a blast at her Spring Performance. I dropped her off backstage and had a twinge of angst leaving her back there without one of us present. She survived and so did I. As soon as G got on stage she started looking for us, and kept looking throughout the whole performance. We were not allowed to take pics during the performance, which is why I do not have any posted. Oh well, we did pay a pretty price for a DVD of the entire performance.

A word to the wise, if you have never had a little one in a ballet performance, bring flowers. Rick and I didn't even think about it. Every kid had flowers, and G was so disappointed to not have any. When we went to eat lunch, I ran into the grocery store next door and brought some to the restaurant. Our reputation with our child has been saved!

I asked G last night as we lay in her bed if she wanted to go back to ballet class in the Fall. G said, "Momma, I want to dance every day!" I told her that is a great idea! Oh, she is soooo sweet! I love this little girl!

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