Saturday night while Rick helped set up the church for Sunday services, Georgia and I went to the mall. What else are girls suppose to do when left alone? For this conversation you have to know G loves to wear dresses. I don't know why I buy any other clothing for this chick. We were walking through TJ MAXX, and G kept pulling up her dress messing with her left cheek. This is how the conversation went:
Mom: "Georgia, put your dress down. Little girls do not pull their dresses up."
Georgia: "Mom, I got a bump!"
Mom: "Come over here out of the way and let me see. G, it looks like a mosquito got you."
Georgia: "WWWHHHHAAAAATTT!!! They got my HINEY!" (Exclaimed VERY loudly)
Mom: (Chuckling) "Yes baby, they got your hiney."
Out of the mouth of babes!!
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