Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Happy Birthday My Sweet Girl!!

Georgia turns four years old today. It so hard to believe. WHERE does the TIME go?! To celebrate her birthday on her birthday, we had cupcakes with her friends at school today. Below are some pics from her school party.

Ms. Cherrelle & Ms. Faye painted the tables for Georgia's party.

The 3 & 4 year old Preschool Class.

Smile & say cheese!

Abby, Aman, Georgia, Brian, & Sophia.
Georgia & Jason.

Georgia & her Baby Abby (Left Pic).
Georgia & Georgia B. or Peaches.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Tinkerbell Party!!

Georgia had 10 little kids at her 4 year old birthday party at Chick-fil-A. It was a little crowded with that many kids and parents. We may have to choose another location next year, but it beats having all those people in my two-story shoebox!! ;-O Below are some pics of the party.

Georgia with her party hat she picked out.

Tinkerbell cake and G blowing out her candles.
None of the kids wanted cake. They all wanted to play!!

Georgia in the playground area and Poppy enjoying cake!

Guilianna is our neighbor and Aiden.

James and Georgia. James goes to our old church.
He and G have known each other since we moved to Maryland.
All we need is Boo in this pic to reunite the Three Musketeers!!

Saturday, July 19, 2008


Georgia decided she wanted a Tinkerbell party for her four year old birthday party. I don't know why because she has nothing Tinkerbell. Of course, one must have a Tinkerbell cake at a Tinkerbell party. Sweet Amber Jordan from our Sunday School class is making Georgia's cake. She found a Tinkerbell for Georgia to paint to be the cake topper. Check out Georgia's Tinkerbell she painted this morning. G's birthday party is next Saturday. ;-)

Friday, July 18, 2008

I almost forgot...

I still need to explain what the Lord did for us as I mentioned in an earlier post. The Lord does a lot for us, but this was really specific. While we were at the beach we left Maddy at the vet to have her teeth cleaned. The teeth cleaning turned into major surgery because she has really bad gum disease. The vet called us at the beach to give us the news and to get permission to pull LOTS of teeth. After asking Dr. Bob lots of questions, I was stressed on how we were going to pay this. Rick was between jobs, and I didn't know when he would get paid at AOL. At my job we get an award for performance ratings. I had recieved a really nice award (before taxes), but hadn't gotten paid for it yet. My award after taxes was direct deposited in my check before I went to pick Maddy up, and was within four dollars of what the surgery cost. Isn't that awesome?!?! He knows exactly what we need and when we need it - not before or after!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Playing In The Fountain!!

Today we went to downtown Silver Spring, MD so Georgia could play in the fountain. During the summer the city lets the kids play in the fountain. She had a blast!!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Beach Pictures - White Dress

These are just a few of the pictures I took of Georgia in her white dress on the beach. I think I took 50 of them. ;-O

Thursday, July 3, 2008

LOVES His Job!!

I just want to say it has been so refreshing to have a happy husband who loves his job!! AOL has already granted him two work from home days each week. They also told him to work from home today, and to be sure to stop working today at 3 p.m. It's nice to see Rick enjoying his work life again!! Congrats again, honey!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Beach Pictures - Pink Dress

Ever since G was 9 months old, I have taken her pics instead of spending the money to have them professionally done, except for school pics. Below are some of Georgia's pics at the beach in her pink dress. Please keep in mind I have not processed these yet so they will look better once I am done with them. I just wanted to go ahead and post a few of them.

My Sand Angel!!

Georgia LOVED the beach and the pool! This is the first time she would put her feet in the sand and get in the pool. However, she would not put her feet in the ocean. She decided to make sand angels - what a mess. I am glad I was at the outlet mall and Rick had to clean her up! It was nice to go on vacation and have G really enjoy the experince. I believe we will have many more vacations at the beach!!

Happy Birthday Rick!!!

Today is Rick's birthday. As of today, he is 35 years old. His birthday present is a new job!! Ha!!