Monday, January 28, 2008

Sunday, January 27, 2008
The Three Year Old Class is CLOSED!!
Those are the words I heard today has I tried to check G into her SS class, so I could go to Big Church. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?! I had to break my little girl's heart because there was no room...in a SUNDAY SCHOOL class! Let me start from the beginning...
Rick is in Mississippi or actually on his way home this morning, so by myself I got my very choleric (strong-willed) three year old ready for church. We were 15 - 20 minutes late, but should that really matter? We were doing good to even get out of the house!! Or should I say I was doing good to get out with my sanity. Evidently it does matter if you are late at Grace Community Church in Fulton, MD.
G and I tried to check-in at the Tot Zone. The Children's Minister and a lady were behind the counter. I gave G's name, and she began to look through paper. She asked me her age, and I said three. She stopped, looked at me, and said the three year old class is closed. I said okay. She asked the Children's Minister. The Children's Minister said yes. She repeated herself. I said okay. This exchange happened two more times. I HAD NO CLUE WHAT SHE MEANT BY THAT. She continued to stare at me. I asked, "Okay, what does that mean?" I was told you will have to take her to the service. OKAY, has anybody tried to get a three year old to sit in a dark auditorium with very loud music without anything to entertain her?
I started to move G in the direction of big church when she stopped to say, "No mommy, I want to go to my class." I told her, as gently as I could, her class was closed. My sweet little one, who LOVES church, began to cry. She didn't want to go to the service, so I said okay G lets go. I looked back at the ladies at the Tot Zone, and they were just watching me as I WALKED OUT THE DOOR!!! I am sorry...is this a babysitting service or a ministry? We will not be joining a small group at Grace or returning. My child cried most of the way to the car, and has talked about this all day. NICE impression you have left on my child, Grace!
On my way to First Baptist, where we have also been visiting, I called the Grace office. I left a NICE message on the Pastor's voicemail. I repeated everything above and was sure to tell him his Children's Minister was involved in this incident. Thus, the reason I am calling you. I also added, what if I was someone who did not know Jesus and this was the one day I came to church because I was searching? Then to be told the three year old class is closed and left. ENOUGH SAID!!
Rick is in Mississippi or actually on his way home this morning, so by myself I got my very choleric (strong-willed) three year old ready for church. We were 15 - 20 minutes late, but should that really matter? We were doing good to even get out of the house!! Or should I say I was doing good to get out with my sanity. Evidently it does matter if you are late at Grace Community Church in Fulton, MD.
G and I tried to check-in at the Tot Zone. The Children's Minister and a lady were behind the counter. I gave G's name, and she began to look through paper. She asked me her age, and I said three. She stopped, looked at me, and said the three year old class is closed. I said okay. She asked the Children's Minister. The Children's Minister said yes. She repeated herself. I said okay. This exchange happened two more times. I HAD NO CLUE WHAT SHE MEANT BY THAT. She continued to stare at me. I asked, "Okay, what does that mean?" I was told you will have to take her to the service. OKAY, has anybody tried to get a three year old to sit in a dark auditorium with very loud music without anything to entertain her?
I started to move G in the direction of big church when she stopped to say, "No mommy, I want to go to my class." I told her, as gently as I could, her class was closed. My sweet little one, who LOVES church, began to cry. She didn't want to go to the service, so I said okay G lets go. I looked back at the ladies at the Tot Zone, and they were just watching me as I WALKED OUT THE DOOR!!! I am sorry...is this a babysitting service or a ministry? We will not be joining a small group at Grace or returning. My child cried most of the way to the car, and has talked about this all day. NICE impression you have left on my child, Grace!
On my way to First Baptist, where we have also been visiting, I called the Grace office. I left a NICE message on the Pastor's voicemail. I repeated everything above and was sure to tell him his Children's Minister was involved in this incident. Thus, the reason I am calling you. I also added, what if I was someone who did not know Jesus and this was the one day I came to church because I was searching? Then to be told the three year old class is closed and left. ENOUGH SAID!!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
My child doesn't say Jesus, it comes out GeUs. Last night we went to Longhorn. Of course three year olds have to visit all the bathrooms. After sitting on the papered throne, we rounded the corner towards the sinks, and my child screams with joy and excitement, "LOOK GeUs!" On the counter in the middle of a basket full of plastic flowers was a little, white, sweet angel with praying hands. You know you are never alone in the bathroom when something like this happens! As the snickering from the other stalls grew louder, and I could catch my breath from laughing, I told my sweet little one that it wasn't GeUs, but a statue of an angel. I am so glad I didn't have to explain the angel statue too!!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
The Little Three Year Old Holy Spirit
The Garners tried to quietly play "hookie" from church this past Sunday, but the Little Holy Spirit that evidently lives in my house in the form of a three year old would not let it go. All we heard the entire day was "I want to go to church!" Tried to explain that mommy has a headache..."I want to go church!" Said we are going to go get your medicine and go to the basketball game..."Going to church first?" Simply said we are not going today..."I want to go to church!" Even when we didn't try to make our excuses we heard..."I want to go to church!"
Keep in mind, this is a very CHOLERIC little girl who never lets anything slip. It isn't a simple statement. It comes with a whine, a tone, a grunt, and even a throw myself down on the floor in disagreement. Normally, I would spank her for these things, but how can I spank her for being upset she is not going to church!!! To top it off, we may miss this coming week in order to pick Rick up at the airport. By the way, he is going to Mississippi for a wedding. Yes, we would all love to go, but it is too expensive to pay for all of us and board the Beagle!! Anyway, I think the Little Holy Spirit and I will go to the early service, so I don't have the same dilemma. Rick will have to sit at the airport and wait so we can appease the Little Holy Spirit!!
Keep in mind, this is a very CHOLERIC little girl who never lets anything slip. It isn't a simple statement. It comes with a whine, a tone, a grunt, and even a throw myself down on the floor in disagreement. Normally, I would spank her for these things, but how can I spank her for being upset she is not going to church!!! To top it off, we may miss this coming week in order to pick Rick up at the airport. By the way, he is going to Mississippi for a wedding. Yes, we would all love to go, but it is too expensive to pay for all of us and board the Beagle!! Anyway, I think the Little Holy Spirit and I will go to the early service, so I don't have the same dilemma. Rick will have to sit at the airport and wait so we can appease the Little Holy Spirit!!
Monday, January 21, 2008
1st McDonald's Trip

Two Overtimes & A Heart Attack
Sunday afternoon we went to see the Lady Terps play Georgia Tech. Wow, what a game!! Georgia Tech came to play street ball, and almost won the game. After two overtimes, Maryland pulled it out 95 to 90. By the way, did I tell you guys the coach, Benda Freese, is pregnant with twins due in March? We affectionately call her Momma. Every time I look at her, I see Katrice and Lisa when they were pregnant with twins. Shortly after the game ended, they asked everyone to exit trough the upper level doors because of an emergency on the floor...I thought Momma had gone into labor!! Sadly, a Maryland fan had a heartache. Yes, the game was that intense! It was surreal watching them POUND on this man's chest. I quickly grabbed mom and dad and said let's pray. All I could say was, "Lord, please save this man. Especially if he doesn't know YOU. Please let him live another day to know and understand who YOU are and can be in his life." The medics continued to pound on his chest as they put him in an ambulance, which remained parked for a while, before finally driving away. I couldn't imagine how hard it would be as a Christian in the medical field to be in these types of situations everyday not knowing if the person knows Jesus. God bless those that are in the medical profession, whether it is a medic, nurse, doctor, etc., who also have a heart for God!!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Snow...Snow...Snow...Sleet...More Sleet...YUCK!!!
We had a beautiful snowfall today in the nation's capitol. My government office is located at the George Washington Carver Center in Beltsville, Maryland, which is off the outer loop or 495. There are four buildings to this campus surrounding a park-like area. The untouched snow on the trees, grass, and walking path was gorgeous!! Hmmm, forget the travel for the big boss, he can find his own way to North Carolina or the meeting I was planning for the 2nd big boss, I wanted to go get the G and play, play, play!!
However, all good things must come to an end...the yucky sleet came and covered the beautiful snow. Everything became slick, slushy, and nasty for the ride home. A thirty minute drive became an hour and a half journey. During this drive home in bumper to bumper traffic, the snow on my roof remained in it's rectangular shape and slid down to cover my windshield. GREAT...the wipers can't take care of it, and it becomes a mountain of snow on my hood. I can barely see the road. Ooh, was that a Lexus or a Mercedes I almost bought?! NEVER FEAR...a STARBUCKS was near!! I pulled off, cleared the hood, chocolate milk in a box for G, and a sugar-free latte for me. Yummy!! Got home to have a snowball fight with the G, and then made snow angels. The slushy snow was beautiful again!!
However, all good things must come to an end...the yucky sleet came and covered the beautiful snow. Everything became slick, slushy, and nasty for the ride home. A thirty minute drive became an hour and a half journey. During this drive home in bumper to bumper traffic, the snow on my roof remained in it's rectangular shape and slid down to cover my windshield. GREAT...the wipers can't take care of it, and it becomes a mountain of snow on my hood. I can barely see the road. Ooh, was that a Lexus or a Mercedes I almost bought?! NEVER FEAR...a STARBUCKS was near!! I pulled off, cleared the hood, chocolate milk in a box for G, and a sugar-free latte for me. Yummy!! Got home to have a snowball fight with the G, and then made snow angels. The slushy snow was beautiful again!!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Excuse Me...You Want Mothering Advice From Who?
Today, I went to the cafeteria for the daily morning jolt of caffeine in a Diet Coke, the cashier asked me if Marianne was still crying in the daycare. Let me explain...G and Marianne are both in the daycare/school located in my office building, but in two different classes. Except for the early morning drop off when they are in one classroom. Back to the story...
Marianne's mom's family operates the cafeteria. I only know the cashier as Marianne's mom. As most of you know...once you go to daycare or school you no longer have a name, you are someones mommy. I explained that G was not at school today, so I don't know. She preceded to ask me motherly questions of "Has your daughter ever...." I won't go into the details, of the convo, but I was standing there talking and screaming in my head, "YOU ARE ASKING ME FOR ADVICE? The mother who sometimes wants to spank herself with the "No No" (spanking spoon and what G labeled it) or bang her head against the wall after dealing with her HARD HEADED little girl!" Needless to say I was calm as a Larry cucumber on the outside, and left her with what she did not want to hear. "Marianne will be okay. She has to get use to being back on her schedule, but it is going to be a hard week on you." Hopefully I didn't leave her in a motherly puddle! I sound good, maybe I could handle a second child. Right, let me pop the ego bubble immediately!!
Monday, January 14, 2008
Sunday School Girl
Terrapins, Cinderella & Dancing
GO TERPS!! They beat Duke tonight 85 to 70. We have been going to the University of Maryland Lady Terrapin games for the last two years. Season tickets are a lot of fun! Thanks parentals for sharing with us. Tonight, I think Rick was the one having the most fun. ;-) Gotta love a man who totes a Princess story book into the Comcast Center for a basketball game! Not just a thin little book. This is a THICK one with ALL the stories in it. Because this was a conference game tonight, the dance team did a half time show. Georgia was trying to do everything they did. I never knew my child could move her hips like that. She looked like she was a belly dancer!! I wish I had a video camera. Really, I do wish I had a video camera because we don't have one. Some day!! Then I would have to learn to work it like I am trying to figure out this Blog I told everyone I don't have time for. By the way I figured out why I type in this block and where it goes when I am done. Right now I am going to keep the KimmieG thing. I don't think I could figure out how to change the name and address. Plus you guys already know I am a Mississippi Girl!!
What Am I Doing?
Well, I am trying something that I have already told EVERYONE I don't have time to do. This is harder than it looks. How do you pick a name? I want to be creative...everyone else has a catch name from monkeys, forecasts, faith, southern girl...I got it!! I'll make it what I want my vanity plate to be...Mississippi Girl. Sorry Faith Hill, I have to copy you. I'll see if I can get this thing changed. As soon as I figure out how to post this thing. I don't even know why I am typing in this box, and where it will end up. Later!! I need a nap!!
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